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Identity for the artists tandem Sonia & Mark Whitesnow who create an unusual and thriving future through immortal superhumans generation images. Design is inspired with the artists' pseudonim: chaotic logotype letters symbolize the snowflakes. The graphic sign is both a snowflake and a footnote hinting to the hidden meanings of the artworks.
#identity #branding #construction
Identity and branding for the construction company. Design is inspired by the concept and modularity of construction blocks. Identity emphasizes calibrated and innovative approach of the company.
#identity #logotypes
Logotypes for various clients
#identity #restaurant
Identity for the oriental food restaurant. Design is inspired by the mild cuisine based on the variety of spices. Being mixed accurately to emphasize the dishes, they create delicate individual and nuanced tastes.
#identity #bar
Identity for the bar
#package #wine
Package for the Australian Shiraz wine
#identity #webdesign #designstudio
Identity and website design for the design studio
#identity #webdesign #photostudio
Identity and website design for the photostudio
#identity #polygraphy #shop
Identity for the bookshop
#identity #logotypes
Logotypes for various clients
#identity #polygraphy #shop
Identity and branding for the interior shop
#identity #polygraphy #travel
Identity and branding for the travel company
#identity #fashion
Identity and branding for the sports fashion company
#polygraphy #gifts
"Squeeze will in a fist" calendar Every day a person is faced with a million temptations. Many of them grow into bad habits. This means that you need to constantly train the willpower to be healthy and independent. This tear-off calendar is used for daily training of willpower. It allows a person to fight back all the negative around. To be able to measure the level of its achievements, the calendar included a special basket with measuring scale.
#identity #polygraphy #corporate
Identity and branding for the Icon BC company
#identity #polygraphy #medicine
Identity and branding for the dentist laboratory. The moto of the company: "Made with heart"
#identity #polygraphy #city
Identity and branding for the park
#identity #polygraphy #medicine
Identity and branding for the private psychologist
#polygraphy #pagemaking #construction
Catalogue design and pagemaking for the cement company