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Присоединиться как эксперт с опытом
Если вы — опытный (3 года и более) арт-директор, креативный директор, маркетолог, консультант или эксперт в смежной отрасли — ждём вас на платформе в особом статусе! Консультируйте проекты и команды, зарабатывайте по собственной ставке, в удобном для вас режиме и формате.
Нажимая "Отправить" вы даете разрешение на обработку своих персональных данных и подтверждаете согласие с Политикой конфиденциальности и Договором-офертой сервиса (www.artconduct.com/agreement)
Get your design done
Briefly describe your design task — and we'll send you the relevant portfolio and the quote – within 24 hours
By clicking "Send" you give the permission to process your personal data and agree with the Confidential Policies and the Service Agreement (www.artconduct.com/en/agreement)
Please send us your portfolio to start receiving the jobs
After that we will contact you to discuss the next steps
By clicking "Send" you give the permission to process your personal data and agree with the Confidential Policies and the Service Agreement (www.artconduct.com/en/agreement)
Find a creator
Briefly describe the task/job — and we'll send you the matching creators for your choice (for no cost)
By clicking "Send" you give the permission to process your personal data and agree with the Confidential Policies and the Service Agreement (www.artconduct.com/en/agreement)
Join as an experienced
If you are an experienced (3 years and more) Art Director, Creative Director, Consultant or an industrial expert — you are welcome to the platform in a special status. Consult the projects and teams and earn according to your own hourly rate with the comfortable schedule and format.
By clicking "Send" you give the permission to process your personal data and agree with the Confidential Policies and the Service Agreement (www.artconduct.com/en/agreement)
What businesses get with Art Conduct:
guarantee of following the TK and deadlines
times more cost-effective than employed stuff and agencies
7+ in 1
pay as for 1 employee - get a multidisciplinary team
delegate the pool of tasks on a turn-key basis to a single project manager
Art Conduct: professional design outsource
#identity #branding #building
Red Arrow - new type of loft apartments
#identity #3d #keyvisual #health care
Visual promo-campaign for Globlal Health Care company SPLAT
#identity #branding #package
Food store
#branding #webdesign #socialmedia #label
A recording studio and music production label. The identity was created and developed into a complete design set.
#identity #branding #animation #cafe
Identity for the John and Fedor cafe
#identity #cafe
Rebranding and new visual code for sushi-bar
#identity #logo #food
Dodo pizza logo concept
#identity #branding #animation #media
Identity and branding for the women's magazine. Design is based on the image of the girl who is strict but impudent, naive but intelligent, neat but lively. The logo is associated with a real lady: her silhouette is staying in memories like a bright flash
#motion #motiongraphics #video
Motion graphics
#branding #polygraphy
Branding and identity
#identity #branding #package #bio #agriculture
Identity, branding and package design for the Biocraft biosupplement
#identity #keyvisual #law
New visual identity for Mag. iur. Andrea Francesco Longo (Vienna)
Profit for business to work with Art Conduct:
— need stable high-quality result for pool of tasks, and you don't want to overpay to agencies and studios — keeping full-time employees is more expensive, they are limited in creativity, and freelancing is a "pig in a poke" — need to "free your hands" from managing many projects and employees
— own employees do not have time, and you urgently need to close some of the tasks — new projects have come, no need to hire employee for several month —need an independent inspection of works or new ideas
— growth requires complex design solution, but there is no budget for an expensive studio — inefficient to hire staff designer — need to get rid of non-core activities, freelancers are unreliable, plus you have to be distracted by checks and time control
business: 100+ employee
business: 40- 100 employee
business: < 40 employee
Let's create hi@artconduct.com
Leave the wishes so that we develop more comfortable service for you.
Wish to develop Art Conduct together? Send the CV to hi@artconduct.com with ellaborating the desired responsibilities, ideas about them and the relevant experience.